The Mountain Muse
A Christian Writers Retreat
October 3rd-5th, 2025
A rustic retreat in the middle of God’s glorious creation for Christian writers needing inspiration, time and renewal.
The food—Made by our fabulous cooks.
The Setting—Inspiring.
The Price–$150 for the weekend
Escape, Renew, Create.
If you’re a writer, there is always something to stop you from creating. Dishes, the job, swim meets, or just that inner skeptic who sits on your shoulder insisting that the last sentence you penned isn’t worth the match used to burn it.
I’m inviting you to ignore all that.
Just for a few days.
October is the ideal time to get away. The business of summer is complete, school is well under control, and the mountains are absolutely gorgeous with blazing blue skies and fall color lacing the forest.
Situated on a sub-alpine meadow in the middle of Washington State’s beautiful Cascade Mountains, CMBC is the perfect location for an escape from the everyday. Come and join us and let your creative side flourish.
A rustic retreat in the middle of God’s glorious creation.
The food—Made by our fabulous cooks.
The Setting—Inspiring.
The Price–$150 for the weekend
The Time—All yours.
Other than gathering at mealtimes for a few inspirational words, insider writer info, and craft tricks to help us learn and grow, the time will be yours to simply write. So pack your notebook of unfinished poems, that novel you haven’t quite finished, or your tenth fantasy tome that is under a shrinking deadline. Drive up the remote mountain road to Camas Meadows Bible Camp. Grab a bagel and a cup of cocoa, find a couch or a quiet spot outside among the falling aspen leaves and gentle sounds of the forest, and simply write, all day long.
After spending the day in blissful writerly toil, you can meet other writers over an evening snack and a writing-related board game such as “Telestrations”, “Arabian Knights,” “The Writer’s Tool Box,” “Dixit,” or “Bring Your Own Book.” Yes, you have to bring a book for that game, I intend to play with “The Princess Bride” by William Goldman. Compete for the dubious honor of having created the worst action scene, worst fantasy creature, or absolutely worst kiss of all time in our strange but sure to be hilarious contest. We are considering a “Favorite Writing Clothes Fashion Show” so bring your slippers, snuggie, and furry pants…if these are the clothes that inspire you. We will also have time to connect over snacks and tales of failed 400 page novels about vampire ducks saving Santa Clause on his vacation in Bermuda. Perhaps not, but I do have an interesting picture book to share “The Princess and the Cheez-it” and I bet that you do, too.
For the adventurous writer only!
Yes, you will be sleeping in bunk beds (be sure to bring a sleeping bag or bedding!), walking down twisting dirt paths to the fire pit for s’mores, and quite possibly singing songs with hand motions during our time of worship. Think of all the fabulous research you can achieve by living a few strategic outdoorsy moments. After this experience you will be able to confidently write about a child’s first day at camp, a midnight hike to view the vast expanse of mountain stars, or encountering a terrifying bunny on a remote trail!
So if your writing needs some nature, a little bit of nurture, and a few days of quiet to percolate, come and join us at The Mountain Muse Writer’s Retreat.
Friday October 3rd, 2024
9:00am–Breakfast and Writing Inspiration
10:00am to 1:00pm–Write
1:00pm to 1:45pm–Lunch and Writing Inspiration
1:45pm to 6:00pm–Write
6:00pm to 7:30pm–Dinner and Writing Inspiration
7:30pm to 9:00pm–Write
9:00pm–Possibilities include: Hike to Inspiration Point Snack and Board Games
12:00pm–Lights Out
Saturday October 4th, 2024
9:00 am–Breakfast and Writing Inspiration
10:00 am to 1:00pm–Write
1:00pm to 1:30pm–Lunch
1:45pm to 6:00pm–Write
6:00pm to 7:30pm–Dinner and Writing Inspiration
7:00pm to 9:00pm–Write
9:00pm–Possibilities include: Writing Related Board Games S’mores and/or Worst of the Worst Contest
12:00pm–Lights Out
Sunday October 5th, 2024
9:00am–Breakfast and Writing Inspiration
9:30am to 1:00pm–Write
1:00pm to 2:00pm–Lunch and Writing Inspiration
2:00pm to 4:00pm–Write
4:00pm–Snack, Coffee, and farewells
Rules and Regs
The main lodge is a quiet writing space so that everyone can get the optimum amount of work done.
The small lodge is set aside as a “talking zone.” If you want to chat or bounce some ideas off a friend, this is the place to go.
At 9:00pm the “Quiet Zone” moves to the small lodge and the large lodge becomes the place for fun, games, and writerly chatter.